Why It’s Important to Stay Active With Arthritis

Why It’s Important to Stay Active With Arthritis

When arthritis symptoms flare up and joint pain occurs, it might dissuade you from participating in regular exercise. Staying physically active is an integral part of maintaining your health. For patients who suffer from this condition, exercise is a crucial component to help increase strength and flexibility. 

Though the thought of walking around or even standing when joints are stiff and achy seems impossible, staying sedentary can make you feel worse. At Interventional Pain Center, Dr. Sachida Manocha, MD, specializes in pain management and can help you overcome painful symptoms by introducing you to moderate exercise techniques. 

Here are some significant benefits of exercising 

Joint-friendly physical activity can help ease pain from arthritis. Physical activity should be low-impact, putting only a moderate amount of stress on the body and reducing the risk of injury. Some of these exercises may include swimming or walking. Strengthening muscles around your joints is possible and provides many benefits.

1.Increase in muscle strength 

To keep joints from further deterioration, muscles around the problem area need strengthening. It is important to rest between workouts and allow ample time for your body to recover. Some activities that increase muscle strength include using resistance bands, yoga, or weightlifting. 

2. Improve your balance 

If you often feel as though you might fall over when standing still, committing to the right exercise plan can help. Patients who have arthritis often report feeling unsteady, which can lead to potentially dangerous falls or accidents. To improve your balance, consider practicing yoga or tai chi. You might also try walking backward in a straight line or standing on one foot using the wall as support. 

 3.  Boost circulation 

An increase in blood flow to the affected joints can help improve mobility and promote healing. During exercise, a rush of blood flow travels to your bones, boosting mobility and strength. The blood effectively soothes aches and pains by flooding the body with beneficial oxygen and nutrients. 

4. Prevent potential injuries 

Patients with arthritis who remain inactive allow for the condition to progress over time. Symptoms of arthritis can reach a point where they not only cause further damage, but they also begin significantly decreasing the quality of your life. Building strong muscles helps support weak joints, reducing pain overall. Aerobic activities are a great way to avoid serious injury while increasing muscle mobility. 

5. Promote joint flexibility and mobility 

Arthritis patients can keep their joints mobile by improving their range of motion through regular movements. Trying flexibility exercise can help lubricate stiff joints while easing painful inflammation. Lifting your arms above your head or rolling your shoulders at a comfortable pace can alleviate pressure on your joints. An exercise program that emphasizes flexibility can reduce your need for medication or corticosteroid injections. 

If symptoms associated with arthritis become unmanageable, call our office, or book an appointment today!

Ready to Improve Your Quality of Life?

To learn more about pain treatment at Interventional Pain Center, and find your own customized treatment plan, book a visit with Dr. Manocha online or by phone.