Spinal Cord Stimulator

Spinal cord stimulation is a powerful treatment option that can effectively treat many types of pain. Sachida Manocha, MD, of Interventional Pain Center has used spinal cord stimulation to help many men and women from in and around Worthington and Newark, Ohio, find relief from chronic pain.

If you’re curious about what spinal cord stimulation can do for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Manocha today. Online scheduling makes it easy to find an appointment time that fits your schedule, or you’re always welcome to call to check availability.

What is Neuromodulation?

Neuromodulation is a treatment approach that disrupts the transmission of pain signals between the body and the brain. A small device is implanted into your body and delivers carefully controlled medication or electrical current to your nervous system. A pain pump is one form of neuromodulation, and spinal cord stimulation is another.

Spinal cord stimulation works by sending electrical pulses through your spinal cord, which alters the pain signals as they travel to your brain. Many men and women who use the device report a tingling sensation where they used to experience significant back pain. Like a pain pump, the device is first used on a trial basis before it’s permanently implanted.

Neuromodulation FAQs

Am I a good candidate for spinal cord stimulation?

This treatment approach is a good option for many people, and Dr. Manocha can help you decide if it’s right for you. Spinal cord stimulation offers a pain relief path in the following circumstances:

  • Conservative therapies have proven ineffective
  • Additional surgery is not recommended
  • There are no medical conditions that could interfere with the procedure
  • There is no active depression or drug addiction\

Spinal cord stimulation is most effective when used in the early stages of chronic pain before the condition turns disabling.

What conditions can spinal cord stimulation treat?

Spinal cord stimulation can effectively treat numerous conditions, including:

  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Arachnoiditis, or scarring and inflammation of the spinal nerves
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Chronic arm pain
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Multiple sclerosis

The best way to determine the right treatment path begins with a thorough diagnostic exam with Dr. Manocha.

How long does the spinal cord stimulation trial last?

The trial stage offers you a chance to “test drive” spinal cord stimulation. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis, and you’ll be able to return home shortly afterward. If you take certain blood-thinning medications, you may need to stop those drugs for 3-7 days before your appointment.

You’ll receive a local anesthetic to numb your lower back area. Dr. Manocha uses X-ray fluoroscopy to guide a treatment needle to your epidural space and place the trial lead, which is connected to an external generator you wear on a belt.

For the next 4-7 days, you’ll wear the device and keep a record of your pain relief. You should perform a range of activities to see how SPS works under different conditions. The results of your trial can help you and Dr. Manocha decide if permanent spinal cord stimulation is right for you.

Ready to Improve Your Quality of Life?

To learn more about spinal cord stimulation at Interventional Pain Center, and find your own customized treatment plan, book a visit with Dr. Manocha online or by phone.

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